Saturday, 22 June 2013


Click here for answers....

1.Book "Death of Distance" written by :
 (a)Garkry  Hilton
 (b)Frances Cairn
 (c)Jack Rice
 (d)Salveena rusdy

2.Which political party is responsible for the Russian 
    October Revolution of 1917 ?

3.How is Japanese Emperor's  Throne Known ?
 (b) Chrysanthemum Throne

4.Requirements for communication system are also know as :

5.Newton's laws are related to :
   (c)Laws of motion

6.Knowledge is refer to :

7 .In which year the film Jurassic park released  :

8.In human the richest to which region of cerebrum :

9.The ancient city Alexandria is famous for its :

1.How many smells & human nose can different ?